CCC Health & Wellbeing sub Transport sub
Next meeting => To Be Confirmed To Be Confirmed To Be Confirmed
Agenda => Awaiting Awaiting Awaiting
Attend online => N/A N/A N/A

Archives : Correspondence (general) posts:

12/09/2024 Councillor J Senior: Notice of Road Works 18th Sept 24. - Link here

06/09/2024 Health and Wellbeing subcommittee : National Care Service Islands Impact Assessment Questionnaire - Link here

03/09/2024 Health and Wellbeing subcommittee : National Care Service Island Communities Impact Assessment - Link here

01/09/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

13/08/2024 CCC H&W Subcommittee: HSCP visit 24.07.2024 - Link here

30/07/2024 SSEN: Pre-application Consultation Drop-in Event - Link here

15/07/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

03/07/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Transport sub.committe meeting - Link here

24/06/2024 CCC Transport Subcommittee: Air Services in Argyll and Bute - Link here

21/06/2024 CCC: Planning Policy - Link here

12/06/2024 Secretary: Ticks and Lyme Disease - Link here

10/06/2024 Secretary: Agenda for Ordinary Meeting to follow AGM - Link here

07/06/2024 Secretary: Basic Guidance on use of Wheelie Bin - Link here

04/06/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

27/05/2024 Secretary: BBC STUDIO INVITATION - Link here

13/05/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

06/05/2024 CCC: CCC Transport Subcommittee response to ICP consultation - Link here

05/05/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Health & Wellbeing sub.committe meeting - Link here

23/03/2024 Secretary: Advance Notice of Roadworks - Link here

21/03/2024 CMAL: Harbour Revision Consultation Order Event - Link here

21/03/2024 Transport Scotland: Have you say on Island Connectivity - Link here

16/03/2024 CCC : Public Consultation for the next Clyde & Hebrides Ferry Services Contract - Link here

16/03/2024 Secretary: An Cridhe Digital Hub Day. - Link here

15/03/2024 Secretary: Coll CC election poster - Link here

12/03/2024 Secretary: Notice of Election - Link here

12/03/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

06/03/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Transport sub.committe meeting - Link here

24/02/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Health & Wellbeing sub.committe meeting - Link here

22/02/2024 Secretary: Coll : Vacancy for Support Worker to assist Unpaid Carers. - Link here

21/02/2024 Secretary: Near Me and Digital Hub Open Day - Link here

12/02/2024 CCC: Calmac 2024-25 Winter Timetable Consultation - Link here

01/02/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

26/01/2024 Secretary: Police Notice regarding fraud - Link here

25/01/2024 CCC: Calmac Oban Helpline - Link here


11/01/2024 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Transport sub.committe meeting - Link here

30/12/2023 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Health & Wellbeing sub.committe meeting - Link here

28/11/2023 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

25/11/2023 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Transport sub.committe meeting - Link here

25/11/2023 CCC: Low-Cost Housing Discussion - Link here

22/11/2023 Secretary: Community CPR Training - Link here

16/11/2023 Secretary: Living Well Network Service Members - Link here

13/11/2023 CCC: Low Cost Housing Meeting 20th November - Link here

25/10/2023 CCC: Island Essential Travel Pilot - Link here

13/10/2023 CCC: Housing Emergency Survey - Link here

09/10/2023 CCC admin: Agenda for next CCC Health & Wellbeing sub.committe meeting - Link here

04/10/2023 SSEN: Coll - Tiree Pre-application Consultation Event - Link here

02/10/2023 CCC: Agenda for next CCC meeting - Link here

29/09/2023 CCC: Agenda for next CCC Health & Wellbeing sub.committe meeting - Link here

20/09/2023 A&BC: An Cridhe Digital Hub installation - Link here

17/09/2023 A&BC: Register of Electors - Door knock - Link here

11/09/2023 CCC: Calmac: Public Consultation on Route Prioritisation Framework - Link here

26/08/2023 CCC: Notice Board Repairs - Link here

14/08/2023 A&BC HSCP: Living Well on Coll, Wed 16th Aug 10:30 hrs - Link here

11/08/2023 CCC: Agenda for next CCC Health & Wellbeing sub.committe meeting - Link here

01/08/2023 CCC: July 2023 newsletter from Transport Subcommitte - Link here

30/07/2023 CCC: Transport News 30 July 2023 - Link here

13/07/2023 A&BHSPC: Carer Support - Advice and Information Day Wed 19th |July - Link here

06/07/2023 A&BC: Gaelic classes 2023 - Link here

06/07/2023 A&BC: ANNUAL CANVASS for the REGISTER OF ELECTORS - Link here

06/07/2023 A&BC: Unpaid carers strategy consultation - Link here

30/05/2023 CCC: Survey - Calmac disruptions; cost to islanders - reminder -

The Transport subcommittee is undertaking a collection of records of costs islanders have incurred due to ferry disruptions.

If you wish to record your experiences please DOWNLOAD the form here.
The form does not work in a web browser, it needs to be downloaded and then once complete, press Email to CCC.

Paper copies and drop off points are available in the Post Office, shop and hotel

18/05/2023 CCC: Agenda for meeting of CCC Health and Wellbeing Subcommittee - Link here

18/05/2023 Calmac: Positive update re: loss of bookings/money for No Show - Link here

17/05/2023 CCC: HPMA CCC consultation response 17.4.23 - Link here

17/05/2023 A&BC / CCC: COLL PIER USER GROUP MEETING 23 June - Link here

10/05/2023 Calmac: Calmac: Booking system outage 13th - 16th May - Link here

14/04/2023 A&BC: Repopulation Zone Survey -

Argyll and Bute Council Repopulation Survey Web Template

Repopulation Zone Survey (

To address population challenges across Argyll and Bute, the Settlement Project was developed. The aim of the project is to work with four ‘Repopulation Zone’ communities across Argyll and Bute, these include Tiree & CollBute, and the Rosneath and Kintyre Peninsulas. Understanding the barriers impacting people remaining and relocating to these communities is key to the success of this project.

Following interviews with residents and key community groups, as well as community engagement visits to all of the Repopulation Zones, the Settlement Project Support Officer would like to widen participation in the ongoing research through the release of the Repopulation Zone Survey.
The aim of the survey is to understand from those currently living in a Repopulation Zone

  • What YOU believe are the barriers to people remaining and relocating to your community.

  • What initiatives YOU believe could be introduced to support people to remain and/or relocate to your community.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All participant information will be anonymised.

For further information regarding settlement support, please contact

28/03/2023 A&BC: Job Vacancy - Coll Airport - See vacancy advert here

27/03/2023 CCC: Project Neptune - Meeting: Wednesday, 5th April - Link here

22/03/2023 Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership's: Coll Community Survey 2022 Results Public Report - Link here

22/03/2023 Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership's: Coll Health and Social Care Needs Assessment 2022 - Link here

14/03/2023 Calmac: Calmac continued changes to Monday timetables - Link here

02/03/2023 A&BC / CCC: Coll Collaborative Working Group - Invitation - Link here

01/03/2023 Calmac: Calmac - New ticketing & reservations launch - Link here

13/02/2023 CCC: Survey - Calmac disruptions; cost to islanders -

The Transport subcommittee is undertaking a collection of records of costs islanders have incurred due to ferry disruptions.

If you wish to record your experiences please DOWNLOAD the form here.
The form does not work in a web browser, it needs to be downloaded and then once complete, press Email to CCC.

Paper copies and drop off points are available in the Post Office, shop and hotel

08/02/2023 CCC: CALMAC - Urgent Medical Appointment Protocol - update - Link here

05/02/2023 CCC: Agenda for CCC meeting 15 Feb 2023 - Link here

03/02/2023 CCC: Response to CalMac’s Consultation on the Winter 2023/24 Timetable - Link here

24/01/2023 CCC: Winter Timetable consultation - Link here

03/01/2023 CCC: Agenda for CCC meeting 11 Jan 2023 - Link here

28/12/2022 A&BC: Argyll and Bute Council– advice and assistance in the Cost of Living Crisis - Link here

28/11/2022 A&BC: Job opportunity: Community Development Officer, Argyll and Bute Council - Oban, Lorn and the Isles -

We are excited to share this opportunity for someone with community development skills and experience to join our team.

In this permanent full time post, you will support community organisations in Oban, Lorn and the Isles to help them to achieve their
aims, and work with partners to ensure community priorities can be met. We are looking for a self-starter who is motivated to help communities in the area to thrive and develop.

As part of the team you will receive access to training and skills development opportunities.

Whilst the post is advertised for 35 hours per week, we are open to discussions on flexible working arrangements.  For more information or to discuss this post, please contact Kirsty Moyes, Community Development and Building Back Stronger Team Leader -, 01436 657635.

The closing date is Friday 2nd December 2022 and applications can be made via myjobscotland [].

You can reply to this email or respond in Basecamp [].

22/11/2022 CCC: Agenda for Depopulation meeting 30.11.2022 - Link here

11/11/2022 A&BC: VACANCIES at Coll Airport -

The post of Airport Firefighter and AGCS (Airport Supervisor) for Coll is ‘live’. Details
can be found on MyJobScotland or use the link below.

Let’s get the word out there folks – closing date is 25th Nov 2022.


Tom Eddleston
Station Manager
Oban & The Isles Airports
North Connel
Argyll, PA37 1SW

T. 01631572914
M. 07920 586741

From: Thomas Eddleston

01/11/2022 SSEN: Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks - WEATHER WARNING - Link here

21/10/2022 CCC: Summer Timetable Consultation - Link here

18/10/2022 CCC: Notice of the postponement of two meetings scheduled for Wednesday 26th October 2022 - Link here

11/10/2022 CCC: Agenda for CCC meeting 18.10.2022 - Link here

10/10/2022 A&BC: Councillor Amanda Hampsey SURGERY - Link here

10/10/2022 CCC: Digital Hub Community Consultation - Link here

08/10/2022 CCC: CCC: Transport Sub-committee AGENDA - Meeting 10th Oct 14 - Link here

03/10/2022 CCC: DELAYED - Road works update to update - Link here

02/10/2022 CCC: Road works update - Link here


An unfortunate delay in the delivery of materials to the island has led to an interruption to work on the road to Sorisdale.
However, two further days’ work are now scheduled to take place on the Sorisdale road on: Wednesday 5th October & Thursday 6th October

27/09/2022 CCC: Transport sub-committee minutes of meeting 10.09.2022 -

Minutes of Transport subcommittee meeting 10.9.2022 : View pdf

20/09/2022 CCC: Notice & Agenda of next CCC Ordinary Meeting, 27.09.22 - Link here

18/09/2022 Coll Medical Practice: FLU VACCINATION NOTICE - 2022 -



We are pleased to announce that Flu Vaccines will be delivered to the Surgery next week.
Vaccinations will be administered at the Coll Medical Practice by the GP, as in previous years.
You will be contacted via telephone and given an appointment date & time to attend at the Surgery.
If you are unable to attend a clinic i.e. you are off the island, another appointment will be offered.
Please inform the Surgery if you have recently changed your contact number.

NOTE: COVID BiValent Pfizer Vaccines

As with the Flu vaccine, Coll Medical Practice will be offering the BiValent Pfizer COVID vaccine in October.
You will again be offered an appointment by the Surgery once they have arrived.

Thank you

Gill Rae

Practice Manager

Coll Medical Practice
Isle of Coll
PA78 6SY
Tel.  01879230326
Fax. 01879230418 


12/09/2022 CCC: CCC Ordinary Meeting Postponed -

In deference to the period of mourning attendant upon the Queen's death, our Tuesday meeting will be postponed until 18th October

03/09/2022 CCC: Transport Sub-committee AGENDA - Meeting 10th Sept 22 - Link here

23/08/2022 A&BC: Notice of Elections - Link here

16/08/2022 CCC: CCC Ordinary Meeting: Postponed -

Tonight's CCC Ordinary Meeting has had to be postponed until 13th September 2022.

Many apologies to all concerned .

09/08/2022 CCC: Agenda for next Ordinary Meeting: 16th Aug - Link here

09/08/2022 CCC: Interested in representing your local community? - Link here

30/07/2022 CCC: Health & social care partnership survey extension - Link here

26/07/2022 CCC: Transport Sub committee Agenda for meeting 3rd Aug - Link here

11/07/2022 CCC: Agenda for 19th July meeting - Link here

11/07/2022 CCC: A parlimentary enquiry into ferry services - Link here

04/07/2022 CCC: Response to proposed Calmac cancellation levy - Link here

04/07/2022 CCC: Regidster of Electors Annual Canvas 4th July - Link here

04/07/2022 A&BC / CCC: Argyll & Bute Health & Social Care Partnership - Link here

25/06/2022 CCC: Drop In to meet the new nurse - Link here

12/06/2022 Scottish Ambulance Service: Air Ambulance Re-procurement Project -

The Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) is undertaking a consultation and engagement exercise as part of the re-procurement of the national air ambulance service for Scotland.

 SAS provides the air ambulance service to mainland Scotland and its islands. It is the only wholly publicly funded air ambulance service in the United Kingdom and is an invaluable resource to the Scottish public.

The aircraft used by the Air Ambulance Service are owned and operated by a private company on a contractual basis and the current contract is due to expire. To support the development of a new air ambulance contract, a project team has been established and an important task for the team is to consult with all stakeholders. Following the consultation exercise, the formal process of selecting a provider for the new air ambulance contract will be taken forward.

 We want to ensure we gather opinions from everyone with a view on this important element of the Service before arrangements are renewed.

 We are looking to arrange focus groups on MS Teams with members of the public and ask for slots on the agenda of existing meetings in August 2022.

 If you would be interested in attending, and/or work with a group we can attend, then please email us on:

 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries:

 Kind Regards,
 Chris Purnell


10/06/2022 CCC: Notice of AGM & agenda - Link here

02/06/2022 CCC: FERRIES COMMUNITY BOARD (FCB) Quarterly Board Meeting 27 May, 2022 - Link here



Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is delighted to be launching our new Joint Strategic Plan for the next three years.
Over the last year, we have engaged with our partners, stakeholders, staff and the people of Argyll and Bute to share their ideas and questions which have shaped and informed our strategic objectives and priorities.

Our plan sets our strategic direction for the next three years, our priorities and commissioning intentions, our strategic objectives, how we will get there, what we will spend and how we will monitor and measure as we work towards our vision to support people in Argyll and Bute to lead long, healthy, independent lives.

The plan is aspirational and ambitious and has four key elements which will inform everything that we do:

  • Prevention, Early Intervention and Enablement
  • Choice and Control and Innovation
  • Living Well and Active Citizenship 
  • Community Co-production (working with communities to produce local community services)

Fiona Davies, Chief Officer of Argyll and Bute HSCP, said:

“I would like to thank everyone who took the time to take part in our recent consultation on the development of our new Strategic Plan for 2022-25. The Plan is extremely detailed and sets out our strategic direction for the next 3 years which is to be ambitious, values based and aspirational around what we can achieve and to support the remobilisation of services following the impact that the pandemic has had on our services, workforce and society as a whole.
Being a remote and rural HSCP brings with it a lot of opportunities for working and also leisure activities but at the same time there are challenges in delivering health and social care services across such a large geographic area.  With the recent rise in the use of technology, and the increase in local community based practices, we have the opportunity to share and spread and learn, develop the way we deliver services, preparing us for the future.
We have developed four new priorities for this Strategic Plan and we have set out our intentions on how all of our services and processes, will be delivered.
We want to continue the conversation with everyone in Argyll and Bute on how we can transform services, how we empower people to have their voices heard, their experiences valued and to hear collective evidence on how we are keeping to our objectives and priorities.” 

10/05/2022 CCC: Agenda for next Ordinary Meeting, 19nd May - Link here

06/05/2022 CCC: Notice of Transport sub-committee meeting 13.5.2022 - Link here

03/05/2022 CCC: Calmac Booking Survey - Make known your preference -

Survey on CalMac’s booking system
Coll Community Council Transport Subcommittee

A survey for Coll's permanent residents.

CalMac is struggling to deliver a lifeline service that answers our needs. The remedy is for the Scottish Government to buy, build or lease a number of ferries and deploy them as soon as possible. But every indication is that this will not happen in the near future.

To try and help our current situation, we want to look at what options exist and which ones are most likely to improve matters in the short term.

  • Survey forms are available at The Post Office, Coll Stores & Coll Hotel.
    Secure ballot boxes are located here too.
  • Or download and print the survey HERE
  • Or, complete the survey online

Deadline : 15th May, 2022

28/04/2022 Tiree CC: ARGYLL & BUTE COUNCIL ELECTION 2022 - Zoom link for Tiree Hustings -


Tiree Community Council have kindly sent CCC an invitation for anyone on Coll to join their election hustings :

** Zoom link for Tiree Hustings ***

Please follow the link below to join in with Tiree's hustings. 

We will be starting at 7pm on Friday the 29th of April.  

As usual, please remain muted until you wish to speak, and always through the chair, as this helps the call run smoothly. 

21/04/2022 Calmac: Calmac confirms new booking system - Link here


Good morning Kirsty,

Thank you for your email.

With reference to your request for the questions in a document format, please find attached the community organisation questions for the PSO Consultation.  Please accept my apologies that this is not available in an editable format, a PDF is the only option to export the questions from the online SurveyMonkey survey portal.  For your information, I have also attached a copy of the individual and business questions.

In relation to the timescale, experience of other community surveys has shown that 3 weeks is considered sufficient to enable the vast majority of residents and organisations to respond and that very few responses are received after 3 weeks when surveys are open for longer. However, if Coll Community Council require additional time to submit a response to the consultation I would be pleased to update the survey results to include Coll Community Council’s response once received.  For avoidance of doubt, we will provide an initial set of results from the consultation to potential tenderers for the air service following the consultation deadline but, as you’ve highlighted that the response timescale is likely to be a problem for Coll Community Council, I will update the results following receipt of Coll Community Council’s response to provide a v2 of the results.

As you will see from the questionnaire, the survey focusses on use of the PSO Air Service and its importance to the community.  The purpose of the survey is to enable potential tenderers for the future PSO Air Service to understand the importance of the PSO Air Service, how it is used and aspirations for future use.  This will assist potential tenderers to identify how bests to serve residents, community and business needs and aspirations when designing their service offer as part of their tender submission.

I trust the above clarifies the purpose of the consultation and will assist Coll Community Council to provide a response.


Colin Young
Strategic Transportation Delivery Officer
Argyll and Bute Council
The Helensburgh and Lomond Civic Centre
38 East Clyde Street
G84 7PG

Whitegates Road
PA31 8SY

Tel: 01546 604275

13/04/2022 A&BC: Help shape the future of Argyll and Bute air services - Link here

09/04/2022 CCC: Agenda for Ordinary Meeting 19 April 2022 - Link here

28/03/2022 CCC: Transport sub committee agenda 15th April 2022 - Link to Agenda

18/03/2022 Health and Social Care Partnership: Home Carer: vacancy on Coll - Full details here

04/03/2022 CCC: Transport sub committee - Agenda for public meeting Sat 12th March 2022; 4pm - Link here

23/02/2022 CCC: Meeting, SSEN with CCC, Sub-sea link to Mull - Link here

23/02/2022 NHS Highland: Stakeholders Update 18th Feb 2022 - Link here

14/02/2022 Calmac: Current Disruptions - Calmac Notice - Link here

08/02/2022 NHS Highland: COVID update for key stakholders - Link here

08/02/2022 CCC: Census 2022 Information -

Census 2022 Information

The next census in Scotland will take place on Sunday 20 March 2022. So, what is the census and why is it so important that everyone in Scotland takes part?

For more than 200 years Scotland has relied on the information the census provides. By asking people who live in Scotland to provide
information about themselves and where they live, the Scottish Government and other public bodies can make decisions about how public money is spent on essential services like schools, roads and healthcare in our local communities. These help to improve the lives of those living and working in Scotland. The benefits of the census to you and your community can last a long time.

This will be a digital first census, where we hope online completion will be the preferred option for the majority, although paper
questionnaires will be available to those who request them. There will be help available to everyone who needs it when completing the census questionnaire, from a free helpline to online support.

The census also becomes part of our history. In the future our descendants will be able to find out about us and how we lived. The
census is a vital exercise for the people of Scotland to participate in and we all need to play our part in recording an accurate picture of the make-up and needs of our country.

For more information on Scotland’s Census 2022, please visit -

The Community Development Team are hoping to set up an information session to allow staff from the Census Scotland team to inform groups about how they can best support their members and communities to take part.  Information on this session will be provided in due course.

Good evening,

My name is David Black and I am the Regional Manager in the Highlands and Islands for Scotland's Census 2022.

The census is the official count of every person and household in Scotland, that usually happens every 10 years. It helps build a picture
of the population, which government and other service providers rely on to make important decisions in your local area. This is people in your communities chance to get involved in Scotland's Census 2022 as we need their help and enthusiasm to encourage people across Scotland to participate.

Our recruitment partners Pertemps are currently recruiting for Enumerators to help collate the Census across the Highlands and Islands.
 I am wondering if it would be at all possible for your community council to share the following Facebook advert if you have a community council Facebook page please?  Facebook

If not, feel free to share the following link with your community which is an advert to the Enumerator position Pertemps are currently
recruiting for.  Scotland Census Enumerator Job In Scotland, (

Should you have any questions, please let me know.
Many thanks,
David Black | Regional Manager - Highlands and Islands
Field Force, Data Collection
Scotland's Census 2022
National Records of Scotland
Mobile:  07452 944728

07/02/2022 CCC: Agenda for Ordinary Meeting 16 Feb 2022 - Link here

26/01/2022 NHS Highland: COVID update for key stakholders - Link here

26/01/2022 A&BC: Police Scotland warning re scams & fire/smoke alarms requirements -

To:  Community Council Secretaries and/or Conveners

Dear Colleagues,

Please see information below received from Police Scotland regarding scams linked to the requirement for all homes to have interlinked fire and smoke alarms by next month.

I'd be grateful if you could please arrange to circulate wider within your communities to raise awareness.

Kind Regards

Melissa Stewart
Governance Officer
Argyll and Bute Council
PA31 8RT
Direct Dial: 01546 604331
Mobile No: 07785 456127

02/01/2022 CCC: Notice & Agenda of Ordinary Meeting 12th Jan - Link here to view notice

31/12/2021 Calmac: Calmac Essential Services timetable, 3rd-23rd Jan - Link here to view CCC notice

Calmac Essential Services timetable, 3rd-23rd Jan.

The recent rapid spread of Covid19 has resulted in many absences within our crew and port teams.
As a result, and to give our customers a greater degree of certainty, we will operate an Essential Services Temporary Timetable on this route from 3 January 2022.

Read full update here -|- Please see here for timetable changes

30/12/2021 Transport Scotland: Public consultation to inform the development of an Aviation Strategy - Link here to view notice

Dear Sir/Madam

Scottish Government have published an on line consultation, to help inform the development of a new Aviation Strategy for Scotland. The following is a link to the document: Discussion document to inform the development of an Aviation Strategy (

The discussion document will be used as the basis for consultation with the aviation sector, business, tourism and local communities. These discussions, alongside the responses to the online public consultation, will inform the future development of Scottish Government's Aviation Strategy.

Argyll and Bute Council currently subsidises air services to Coll, Colonsay and Tiree at a cost of £2.05M over a contract period of 4 years. A commercial air service is also operated to Islay on the back of the Public Service Obligation contract. Argyll and Bute Council also own and operate three airports Oban, Coll and Tiree at an annual cost of £700k. Council Officers are at present drafting a response to the consultation around the following key points:-

  • Aviation forms a crucial, often lifeline, element of the transport network in many parts of the Argyll and Bute area. From the transfer of school pupils in Colonsay and Coll to the transfer of patients and medical staff from all the islands and the most remote parts of the mainland to and from the acute hospitals within the central belt.
  • Ensuring that aviation policy prioritises support for those islands and regions where surface (sea or land) transport does not offer a competitive alternative to air links.
  • Ensuring that the Scottish Government uses this welcome review of the governance and support of air services to consider alternative structures and funding mechanisms that can best deliver improved affordable connectivity. As the consultation highlights, we have a national operation model where 4 different bodies - Argyll and Bute Council, Orkney Council, Sheltand Council and HIAL/Transport Scotland - support airports and Public Service Obligation air services, whereas a more coordinated and cohesive approach may realise reduced running costs (procurement, advertising, training, bundling of routes etc).

The consultation document sets out a number of questions, (extracted and enclosed with this email as a word document for ease), and the deadline for responses is the 21 January 2022. We have not been contacted directly regarding the consultation and it has been unfortunately poorly advertised. The following was posted on Transport Scotland Facebook 19th October:-

"Following the launch of the Scottish Government Aviation Strategy consultation, Transport Scotland will be visiting a number of airports to help more people have their say. Visits will take place on the following dates:
Kirkwall (Thursday 28 October)
Sumburgh (Friday 29 October)
Stornoway (Monday 1 November)
Barra (Wednesday 3 November)
Dundee (Friday 5 November)
Inverness (Tuesday 9 November)
Wick Assembly Rooms (Wednesday 10 November)
Benbecula (Friday 12 November)
Campbeltown (Monday 15 November)
Islay (Tuesday 16 November)
Tiree (Wednesday 17 November)"

We are sending a notification of this public consultation out to interested stakeholders and Community Councils, to raise awareness, and also to advise your Community Council can also send any comments or issues they would like to raise to Council officers (myself and Iain MacInnes), and we can include these within the Council's official response.

Please just me know if you have anything you would wish included within the Council response and I would be grateful if you could assist in raising awareness of this important consultation.

Best regards
Moya Ingram CEng MICE
Strategic Transportation and Infrastructure Manager
Development and Infrastructure Services
Argyll and Bute Council
Whitegates Office
PA30 8SY
Tel: 01546 604 190

28/12/2021 Calmac: Re: Clansman & COVID - Link here to view notice

28/12/2021 Calmac: Calmac on-board catering update - Link here to view notice

22/12/2021 CCC: Update on Oban and the Isles Air Services - Link here to view notice

20/12/2021 CCC: SSEN Coll Oral History Project - Link here to view notice

Dear Julian,

Kirsty and I had a 2nd Team meeting on Friday December with SSEN and partners working on the new power cable.  This meeting was purely about the proposed oral history project but they did mention that the actual work is scheduled to begin with the laying of the cable in mid Feb 2022.

Please can you pass the attached information on for information and action to CCC members.  Plus, can it be posted on the CCC website as well so that it goes out into the community?

Kind regards,

18/12/2021 NHS Highland: Stakeholders Update 17th Dec 2021 - Link here to view notice

16/12/2021 CCC: Nursing in the Isle of Coll - Link to notice

16/12/2021 CCC: Ferries Community Board Meetings - Link here to view notice

14/12/2021 Scot Gov: COVID-19 & OMICRON ADVICE AND REQUEST -

To island stakeholders

In the coming days and weeks, we expect to see a continued and potentially rapid rise in cases, and for Omicron to account for a rising share of these cases. Given these developments, we are asking you to put in place contingency plans immediately.

Given the significant risk posed by Omicron, the Scottish Government has agreed it would be inappropriate to lift any of the protections currently in place. On top of this, the Scottish Government agreed that compliance with the existing protections must be strengthened – although in isolation alone that may not be enough.

We require all businesses and sectors to continue to consider ways to strengthen compliance with current baseline measures - taking extra efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 throughout the winter period. That includes asking businesses to maximise working from home for their employees where possible. Put simply, this means that if you and your employees were working from home at earlier stages in the pandemic, then we would ask that you do so again now. Working from home will be strongly encouraged for businesses until the middle of January 2022 at which time this position will reviewed.

The current protections will be kept under daily review at this stage.

The Scottish Government is looking at all options right now to help the country and our NHS get through the challenging winter period ahead. Nothing is off the table, including an extension and strengthening of the current COVID certification scheme to a much wider range of sectors and venues, and other measures that we could rapidly deploy if the need arises.

But the Scottish Government is also aware that after two years of tough, but necessary restrictions, and the social and economic harms they have caused, it is even more important to minimise further restrictions as much as possible. By working with businesses, sectors and health experts, the Scottish Government is determined to get that balance right.

Following on from public health advice, which is based on the evidence of risk regarding Omicron, the Scottish Government is asking individuals to think more carefully about unnecessary contacts, especially in crowded places, and advising Christmas work parties to be deferred. We know this is extremely difficult and will have a big impact on the hospitality industry so we are pressing the UK Government to provide the financial support businesses need. But we believe this is essential to help slow transmission.

Also crucial to ensuring further restrictions and disruption to businesses is minimised is regular testing and vaccinations. The Scottish Government is asking everyone to do a lateral flow test before mixing with people from other households - and on every occasion you intend doing so. It is important to remember that you can have this virus even if you have no symptoms.

Test & Protect is conducting enhanced contact tracing for all cases linked to the Omicron variant, but more generally, if someone has symptoms of COVID, or has been identified as a close contact, they should book a PCR test and self-isolate immediately until they get the result. If their result is negative, and they were not told they were a close contact of Omicron, they can end their isolation at that point if they are also doubled vaccinated. Otherwise, they must continue to isolate for the full ten day period. Those identified as a close contact of someone with a suspected case of Omicron will be required to self-isolate for ten days regardless of vaccination status. And from 11 December, all household contacts of any confirmed COVID case must also isolate for 10 days regardless of vaccination status and PCR test result.

We know this is tough for businesses dealing with staff isolations during the busy Christmas period, but strict compliance with the isolation rules will significantly help us break the chains of transmission and keep our economy moving. Scotland is currently the most vaccinated part of the UK but we can’t become complacent.

To assist those with staff, if businesses have 10 and more staff you can register for LFD kits here

The Scottish Government is currently working with health officials to increase our vaccination capacity and improve the supply and availability of the vaccine. We are also working to increase demand for the vaccine, and booster doses, by encouraging even more people to take up the offer of the vaccine. You can play your part by encouraging your employees to get vaccinated.

If we follow these steps we give ourselves, your businesses, and our communities, the best opportunity of making Christmas and New Year as safe as possible – while maximising our ability to navigate this challenging festive period with as little disruption, for the shortest period of time, as possible.

To assist you, you may find the attached hyperlinks helpful –Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister's speech – 10 December 2021 - (

We would appreciate your support in promoting these messages throughout our islands to protect our communities. If you have any queries please contact

Alanis MacArthur
Islands Policy Officer (TRS)
Rural & Islands Communities Team
Directorate for Agriculture and Rural Econom

07/12/2021 SSEN: Power outage - Arinagour until Thrs pm -

Storm damage18:00 hrs, 7th December 2021

Due to an uprooted tree leaning on the 11kV electricity lines near Arinagour, the power to the north end of Arinagour has been switched off. Engineers will have to get to Coll before removal can be safely attempted and the power will remain off until this is done. Engineers are expected to arrive early tomorrow afternoon (8th Dec).

The affected are those north and west of the cenotaph, within Arinagour. This includes The Surgery, The Hotel, An Cridhe, Fire Station, The Water Works and Petrol Pumps.

Outside the village, beyond the Water Works and beyond The Surgery, properties remain ON, as is the main section of the village and Calmac Pier.

06/12/2021 CCC: On-line meetings - Register to join-in -

Coll Community Council will be facilitating the community to join public meetings on-line via Microsoft Teams.
This commences with the AGM on 28th December 2021.

Microsoft Teams has been chosen as it is the most confidential and secure option available to the Community Council.
To join in on-line, there is a need for you to register your interest. Once you have signed up showing your interest, an email will be sent to you prior to the meeting. It will show the link you need to click to join the meeting.

More information can be found here

To register your interest, please sign up here

04/12/2021 NHS Highland: NHS Highland Stakeholders Update 3rd Dec 2021 - Link here

03/12/2021 CCC: Ferries Community Board - Link here

01/12/2021 NHS Highland: Covid updates & vacination FAQs -

NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute HSCP Vaccination FAQs - Link Here

Update for key stakeholders: 26 November 2021 - Link here

30/11/2021 CCC: Ferries Community Board - Link here

25/11/2021 Scot Gov: Avian 'flu. New legislation..... - Link here

The new housing measures [for birds], which will come into force on Monday 29 November, mean that it will be a legal requirement for all bird keepers across the UK to keep their birds indoors and to follow strict biosecurity measures in order to limit the spread of and eradicate the disease.

Click the link for full retails

24/11/2021 Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership: Community Consultation - Link here

Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership is delighted to be holding its first ever digital online community consultation on our next three year Strategic Plan.  This Plan outlines the HSCP's vision and values and details how health and social care resources are governed, allocated and operationally managed.

We really want to hear from our local communities and empower the people of Argyll and Bute to have their own voices heard, their experiences valued and to tell us what they would like included in the Plan.

We have arranged an online webinar event for the 25 November at 3pm-4pm which will be led by Fiona Davies (Interim Chief Officer) and Caroline Cherry (Head of Adult Services, Older Adults and Community Hospitals). This will include a short presentation and also an opportunity for the public to ask questions and suggest ideas.

If you cannot make the webinar, it will be available up to the 9th December for viewing and comments and questions can still be posted
online via 'Slido' digital community listening tool. We also have an online community consultation survey for more detailed feedback.

To access all the links  click

Please see the poster attached for further details and if you would like to request a print-ready version of the poster, please contact Emma @ for a high resolution version.

Kind Regards,
Kristin Gillies Senior Service Planning Manager
Alison Ryan Service Planning Manager
Many Thanks
Emma Mason
Planning Department Secretary
Campbeltown Hospital
Ralston Road
PA28 6LE 

19/11/2021 NHS Highland: NHS Highland Stakeholders Update 19.11.21 - Link here

Please find our latest stakeholder update attached. Please direct enquiries to

Elaine Booth
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership

Communications Officer
Victoria Integrated Care Centre
Helensburgh T. 07973740014

18/11/2021 A&BC: Loch an Duin - Cyanobacteria algae alert -

HI Julian,

I have been notified of an incidence of Blue Green Algae on the North East edge of Loch Duin on Coll, I am sure you will already be aware but wanted to let the Community Council know in case they are able to post any notices to warn people as appropriate. It is relatively late in the season for the blooms however he warm temperatures appear to have led to later than usual occurrences according to SEPA who monitor these blooms and notify ourselves as appropriate.

If you need more information please let me know, in addition the following is a good source of information and also allows users to log
potential  sightings

Bloomin' Algae | UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (

Kind regards

Jacqui Middleton

EHO - Public Health and Housing
Argyll and Bute Council
PA31 8RT

16/11/2021 NHS Highland: FREE - Cognitive Behaviour Apps -

Please see below latest Press Release -
 Free Sleepio & Daylight Cognitive Behaviour Apps available to everyone

Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is pleased to announce free access to Sleepio and Daylight,staff%20returning%20to%20the%20workforce
Cognitive Therapy Behaviour Apps for all NHS staff and members of the public.

THE HSCP recognise that anxiety and poor sleep are long standing problems for many people,  it is important to look after your own mental health and wellbeing.  People struggling with poor sleep, insomnia or anxiety are being encouraged to take advantage of the online CBT programmes. Both programmes are available to compliment other digital cognitive behaviour therapies (CBT) available and provided free in Argyll and Bute.

Sleepio and Daylight Apps are NHS accredited programmes provided by company Big Health, co-founded by Oxford University sleep expert Professor Colin Espie. The online resources allow people to access CBT therapies in the comfort of their own home and time.

Nicola Gilliespie, Head of Mental health Service said: “We are really pleased to be adding Sleepio and Daylight to our programme of digital therapies.

“Difficulties with sleep and anxiety can have a negative impact on many aspects of peoples health and wellbeing. The programmes are early intervention programmes to help teach people to learn and develop self-management coping skills, to help prevent the symptoms from getting worse, and the need for professional services.

Accessing support through Daylight or Sleepio for Wellbeing click here,staffreturningtotheworkforce 
 Elaine Booth

 Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership

 Communications Officer
 Victoria Integrated Care Centre
 T. 07973740014

 For out-of-hours press enquiries please contact the Raigmore
switchboard on 01463 704000 and ask for the duty communications manager 

16/11/2021 SSEN: Sub-sea cable replacement, Mull to Coll -

Dear Sir/Madam,


00009500 - Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution plc - Cable Replacement - Port Langamull, Mull to Sorisdale Bay, Coll

The Licensing Officer for this case is David Hutchison

A marine licence has been requested under the above Act to deposit a cable between Mull and Coll at a location below the level of Mean High Water Springs.  Licence application details 00009500 - Cable Replacement - Port Langamull, Mull to Sorisdale Bay, Coll - Marine Licence | Marine Scotland Information

Should you have any comments on these proposals, I would be grateful if they could be forwarded to me in an electronic format
( or as a hard copy within 21 days of the date of this email.

If you require an extension to the consultation period, please inform me in writing as soon as possible and within 21 days of this email.

If an extension request or a written reply to this consultation is not received within 21 days, it will be assumed that you are content with
the proposals.

Any licence that is subsequently issued for the proposed works will be made available on Marine Scotland Information at the address above.

Kind regards,


David Hutchison
Marine Licensing Casework Officer

Marine Scotland - Marine Planning & Policy

Scottish Government | Marine Scotland | 375 Victoria Road | Aberdeen |
AB11 9DB


08/11/2021 NHS Highland: COVID - Update for key stakeholders - Link here

06/11/2021 CCC: Diagram of outfall extension to Ariangour sewage - Link here

26/10/2021 CCC: Islands Bond - CCC response - Link here

23/10/2021 Scot Gov: Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee Survey on forthcoming Short-term lets regulations:- - Link here

Please see link above for latest information on short term lets regulations with a final date for  consultation being 29th October 2021.

14/10/2021 Scottish Water: LISTENING TO OUR CUSTOMERS -

Dear Stakeholder,

Our water and waste water services support daily life for millions of
people across Scotland.

We want to listen to your views on our service, update you on our
performance and share our plans for the future.

Our Annual Consultative Meeting will be hosted online by our Chair, Dame
Susan Rice, DBE and Chief Executive, Douglas Millican.

Customers can register to receive a unique login and view this year's

If you would like to ask our Senior Leadership Team a question, visit
our digital platform and complete the online form available no later
than Wednesday 20 October.

We will respond direct to all questions after this date and post key
themes on our website.

If you do not have access to our website, call our Customer Helpline on
0800 0778778 for assistance with an alternative format.

SW Public

 Scottish Water


06/10/2021 CCC: Ferries Community Board announcement - Link here

06/10/2021 A & BC: Conservation Volunteers & OVO Energy offering free trees -

Good morning Community Councils, I am forwarding an email from The
Conservation Volunteers & OVO Energy offering free trees. Further
details can be found in the email below,

All the best for now,


Marina Curran-Colthart,

Local Biodiversity Officer,

Argyll and Bute Council,

Minicipal Buildings,

Albany Street,


PA34 4AW

FROM: The Conservation Volunteers & OVO Energy <>
 SENT: 10 September 2021 15:00
 TO: Curran-Colthart, Marina <>
 SUBJECT: TOGETHER we will plant over 2 MILLION TREES! ?


 We CAN make a difference.

 Together we continue to smash our tree planting targets for climate,
wildlife and communities.

 But we have only just begun. This year we are going further than ever
 2 MILLION TREES in the ground by the end of this tree planting season!


PLANTING BY NUMBERS – what we’ve all achieved so far...

 OVO Energy [3] members with carbon-cutting upgrades have pledged
another 600,000 carbon-busting trees for local green spaces – the most
trees pledged to date.

 Trees. They’re not just nice to look at. These wooden wonders
literally eat carbon out of the air, improving the air we breathe and
enhancing our local community green spaces for the benefit of people and
wildlife alike – that’s why we looove them!



 None of our fantastic achievements could happen without the help of YOU
- wonderful volunteers and communities coming together to make a real

 We have updated our webpage [5] with further insights as to where the
planting is happening and, as always, we'll endeavour to share your
fantastic events across our social media channels - just be sure to tag
us in your posts and use the #IDigTrees [6] hashtag!

Twitter [7] | Facebook [8] | Instagram [9] | LinkedIn [10]




 I Dig Trees with OVO Energy is now in its seventh year. This fantastic
partnership programme goes from strength to strength and is a great
opportunity for any community group or volunteer to join in, feel good
and make a real difference.

 As the old proverb goes, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years
ago. The second-best time is now.”

 For climate. For wildlife. For communities – I Dig Trees [14]!

Best wishes,

 TCV Senior Corporate Administrator 

28/09/2021 A & BC: Register of Electors - Link here

27/09/2021 Lord-Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute: Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II -

Dear Argyll and Bute Community Councils,

You may already be aware of the various initiatives planned to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Communities and organisations across the area are getting involved in these projects and the Lord-Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute, Mrs Jane MacLeod, would be delighted to hear about any activities that your community council may be considering or planning.

Below is some information about two of the Platinum Jubilee commemoration initiatives that may be of particular interest here in Argyll and Bute.

Queen’s Green Canopy – Plant a Tree for the Jubilee
The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is encouraging people, local groups, private companies and public organisations across the whole of the UK to get involved in ‘planting a tree for the Jubilee’.

The aim is to start planting trees during the planting season, October 2021 to March 2022. From October, all planting projects can be uploaded to an interactive, nationwide QGC map. Trees planted (whether individual or as part of wider woodlands) will, together, create a sustainable legacy for future generations, marking the Queen’s 70-year reign and service, as well as contributing to tackling climate change.  

You can find out more and sign up online at The Queen’s Green Canopy (  - please remember to let the Lieutenancy know about your plans!

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons, Jubilee Weekend, 2nd to 5th June 2022
Some of you may well have organised commemorative beacons in previous years and will be well acquainted with the concept of a nationwide chain of beacons across the country. For the Platinum Jubilee, it is hoped that this will be a particularly popular and dramatic countrywide commemoration and for the first time there will also be beacons in each of the capital cities of the Commonwealth, joining those which will be lit in a wide range of locations across the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories.

There are different types of beacons which can be used for this exciting commemoration project and local groups and organisations are encouraged to get involved. Here too there will be an interactive list as more and more communities sign up between now and Platinum Jubilee Weekend 2022.
If you are interested in organising a Platinum Jubilee Beacon in your community, please visit Queen’s+Platinum+Jubilee+Beacons+Guide+2021+08+09.pdf ( in the first instance for more information and to find out how to sign up. Again, please do let the Lord-Lieutenant know if you are hosting a beacon in your local area.

We do hope that you are able to consider some kind of commemoration in your local community – both projects offer opportunities for a wide range of people and organisations to get involved and to add vibrancy to community life.

If you are aware of any other local people or organisations who may be interested, please do let us know, or feel free to pass this information to them, again with the encouragement to keep in touch with the Lord-Lieutenant about their plans.

To highlight your activity to the Lord-Lieutenant, please contact in the first instance – and any photographs of your endeavours are also always welcome.

With thanks for your kind attention, and best regards,  On behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute, Mrs Jane MacLeod

25/09/2021 CCC: CCC by-election -

Early Notice of a Coll Community Council by-election

Over the past three years, changes in several Community Council members personal circumstances has led to enough vacancies to trigger a by-election.

In general, a person is entitled to stand for election provided he or she has achieved 16 years of age on the day of election and is a Coll resident. The person must also have his or her name in the Coll electoral register for local government elections.

Pending a definite date for the beginning of the by-election process, we would urge every eligible resident to consider standing as a Community Councillor.

24/09/2021 A & BC: Energy Efficiency - Grants for improvements - Link here

14/09/2021 CCC: Survey response to the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee of the Scottish Parliament - Link here

07/09/2021 CalMac: Ferry redeployment -

Good Morning,

I am pleased to advise that the Clansman will return to Argyll waters
this week, and will resume full timetabled activities once more from
Thursday AM. This follows the successful completion of the unscheduled
dry dock visit of the MV Hebrides, which was accomplished a little
earlier than anticipated.

Until tomorrow evening, we will continue with the adjusted network plans
which have been previously published.

The temporary absence of the Clansman, even with the LOTI being
redeployed to us, has caused impact to a number of communities and
customers, and I would like to extend my apologies for this, together
with my thanks for your support. Your understanding of the situation,
and indeed to that of our ports teams who have worked continually to
minimise these impacts, is particularly appreciated.

With kind regards,



Area Operations Manager - Argyll & Lochaber

CalMac Ferries Ltd

06/09/2021 Scottish Water: Delay to planned work on outfall extension -

Proposed work on outfall at Arinagour Pier




Quarterly Board Meeting 3 Sept, 2021
informal notes by K MacFarlane (in attendance)

* These notes are not “official” and any mistakes are my responsibility.*



  • the Minister for Transport (Graeme Dey) has been visiting various islands – following this meeting, Donnie MacInnes and I have issued him an invitation to come to Coll/Tiree
  • the Islands Connectivity Plan is going out to public consultation soon; it will contain options for the successor scheme to the Ferries Plan 2013 which expires in Dec 2022
  • the next plan will be more complex and will encompass socio-economic issues as well as straight costs
  • very important time for us all to get involved in consultations


  •  Islay will get at least 1 new ship (since this meeting, it has been announced that 2 will be built for Islay) by 2024 (ish?)
  • Mallaig-Lochboisdale will get a new vessel by 2025 followed by :
  • Oban-Craignure / Ardrossan-Brodick
  • Barra-Oban
  •  Coll/Tiree/Colonsay
  • the Heb Isles/Isle of Arran/LOTI are already travelling under certain MCA restrictions
  • no further update on when new ferries will be ready – Glen Sannox by July/Sept 2022 & Hull 802 mid 2023?


  • drydocking arrangements will begin earlier this year hopefully to reduce the impact of  delays and knock-on effects during the winter period
  • hoping to announce the School Bus Discount Scheme very soon with TS and the FCB (since this meeting, it was confirmed on 16 Sept)
  • CalMac have maintained an active cadet and apprentices recruitment programme, together with an active schools visiting programme
  • aware of calls for prioritising space on ferries – be aware there is a real mix of views but they will be looking at pricing structures


  • the Board aims to be more independent of the ferries contractor and there was discussion about having an independent website
  • agreed to the formation of a new subgroup, “Service Improvements and Information Gathering” and I have joined this

Next Quarterly Board Meeting : 3rd December, 2021


(07967) 387021

28/08/2021 CalMac: Ferry redeployment -

Good Morning,

As a result of a technical issue with the MV Hebrides, the vessel is
required to move from its Hebrides operating area to dry dock, for a
period of approximately one week, from next Tuesday morning. As a
consequence, it is necessary to undertake a range of vessel
re-deployments to ensure service across the wider network, however this
will unfortunately see a range of service cancellations on outer
Hebrides routes, and they are now being published.

This programme of vessel re-deployments includes seeing a need to
temporarily relocate the MV Clansman from our Argyll operating area from
early next week, with the MV Lord of The Isles moving to an Oban
operating base from next Monday afternoon. This vessel, in conjunction
with the MV Isle of Mull, will undertake Craignure services, as well as
services to Coll, Tiree and Colonsay.

There are no service cancellations envisaged on any Argyll routes as a
result of this swap-over. Argyll timetables will remain as published. To
further minimise any impacts, actual deployment of these vessels on
these routes will be determined based on expected route demand and
bookings, and on a rolling basis. Consequently all ports will see a
combination of visits from either vessel.

With the 'LOTI and the 'Mull not possessing like-for-like lift capacity,
nor that of the 'Clansman, should any customers be affected by any
capacity issues, they will be directly contacted and offered alternative
sailings should that be required.

I will keep you posted on any key developments, including when we can
firmly anticipate the return of the 'Clansman to the Argyll area.

With kind regards,



Area Operations Manager - Argyll & Lochaber

CalMac Ferries Ltd

26/08/2021 Scottish Water: Proposed work on outfall at Arinagour Pier -

Good afternoon,

I'm getting in touch to make you aware of some forthcoming Scottish Water works for the Isle of Coll.

A £57,000 investment project to extend the existing outfall at Arinagour Pier is set to begin at the beginning of September (exact date
TBC) and will help improve the marine environment by taking effluent into deeper and faster flowing waters.

Corrie Construction will be carrying out the work on behalf of Scottish Water at the lowest tides in September and October (work will take place for 1 week during each month). A marine licence has been secured.

While we anticipate this project having very little impact on customers due to the location and timing of the work, there will be some localised construction traffic and noise. We will do all we can to keep any disruption to a minimum.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this work.

Many thanks and best wishes,


Laura Boyce
 Scottish Water
 Buchanan Gate Business Park,

Cumbernauld Road, Stepps,


G33 6FB

21/08/2021 NHS Highland: Caution as Covid cases rise - Link here

15/08/2021 Private communication: Long-term accommodation wanted -

 Dear Secretary,

 I wonder if you would be able to help (or know someone who could)?

 My name is Peter Rivers and for the last year, myself, my wife and our
five-year-old daughter, have been living on Muck. We have really loved
living here and feel we have adapted well to island life, however; our
temporary accommodation is about to come to an end and there is no
immediate possibility of long-term accommodation becoming available any
time soon. So, I was wondering what the situation is on Coll with
regards to long-term property rentals?

 Do you know of anything to rent, or know anyone we could get in touch
with? Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are really keen to
stay in the Inner Hebrides if at all possible.

 Yours sincerely

 Peter Rivers

04/08/2021 Scot Gov: Development of the Islands Bond - View Scot Gov document here

Population decline is a real threat to the sustainability of many, although not all, of Scotland’s island communities. During the consultation for the National Islands Plan, depopulation was the top priority issue identified by respondents...........

Please read more in the link above

28/07/2021 CCC: Meeting with J Minto, MSP - Link here

19/07/2021 CCC: Letter to A Campbell re. Calmac ferry issues - Link here

09/07/2021 CCC: Minutes of Meeting with CalMac 4.7.21 - Link here

05/07/2021 CCC: Meeting with CALMAC - Link here

05/07/2021 A&BC: Risk assessments and sampling work -

Dear Jaqui,
Thank you very much for continuing to be supportive of our Coll Private Water Supplies Working Group and thank you for your helpful email of the 18th June.
There hasn't been much movement since the last meeting as everyone is busy-all short term lets are now fully booked for the summer and the moorings for yachts are currently fully occupied each evening.
Kathie Griffiths, a senior reporter at The Oban Tims featured our predicament recently and I am pleased to attach the article and associated editorial for you to peruse.
Kind regard,


Classification: OFFICIAL

Thanks Julian,

As an aside we are visiting Coll on 21st July to do some risk assessment and sampling work, so if any residents would like to discuss their water supplies or potential for grant assistance for improvements then feel free to pass on my details and we will try to arrange a visit to them if they wish.

Thanks again (ps the article got one thing wrong in that the grant is not means tested - only if the individual wishes to apply for additional monies is it means tested for the additional part)

Jacqui Middleton
EHO – Public Heath and Housing
Argyll and Bute Council
PA31 8RT 

02/07/2021 Jenni Minto MSP: Visit to Coll - Link here

Good afternoon

I hope you are well. I just wanted to let you know that Jenni is going
to be visiting Coll on the morning of Thursday 22nd July. She hopes to
hold an advice surgery, provisionally at An Cridhe, I will likely book
from 0945-1130 as we will be restricted on travelling much further as we
are returning to Oban on the 1230 ferry. We would be grateful if you can
let the community know so they can book meeting appointments with us and
we are open to any suggestions of visits near An Cridhe to discuss any
local concerns.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Heather Wolfe | Parliamentary Assistant to Jenni Minto MSP
 M3.06, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP
 Telephone: 0131 348 5106 Mobile: 07917 512080 [1]

26/06/2021 A&BC: Registration of Defibrillators - Link here

To goto the link in the image in the link, please click here:

26/06/2021 Scot Gov: Island Communities Fund 2021/2022 (ICF) - Link here

26/06/2021 Scot Gov: Register of Electors Annual Canvass - Link here

21/06/2021 CCC: Plans for an extension to the existing Septic Tank outfall in the village. - Link here

14/06/2021 Dot Surveying Ltd: The Base station works rescheduled to take place either July or August 2021 - Link here

09/06/2021 Calmac Community Board:: Community Board Recruitment - Link here

Community voices sought for the West Coast Ferry Board....

22/05/2021 Calmac Community Board: Failure of island services - Link here

06/05/2021 CCC: Fire on 30th April 2021 -


Coll Community Council offers heartfelt thanks to the community firefighters and their Mull colleagues who strove under such difficult circumstances for so many hours to protect lives, property, animals and land from the destruction threatened by the spread of fire in and around Arinagour.

Thanks also to the Mull Lifeboat for transporting the Mull firefighters and waiting at Coll.

The Community Council also offers sincere thanks to everyone else who helped, supporting those friends and neighbours who were put at risk by the crisis

04/05/2021 CalMac (email from CalMac): Turn Up & Go -


As we commence the Summer season, and whilst social distancing continues to impact the number of passengers we can carry, we will again protect some passenger spaces on all sailings from Coll and Tiree to the mainland and vice versa. These “Turn Up and Go” spaces will not be available for advance purchase, and are aimed at aiding those who may require short notice and on-the-day travel.

We will start the season with enabling 4 such passenger spaces on every sailing, which will be released on the day of travel. This figure will be monitored and reviewed as necessary, and CalMac will be urging all travellers to book in advance, including through posts on its social media platforms.

As with last year, it would be immensely beneficial if it was possible for the message to book in advance (and indeed as early as possible) to be shared amongst the community.

19/04/2021 Argyll Community Lottery: TCDT Island Agents for Third Sector Interface - Link here

15/04/2021 Marine Scotland: Marine Licence Application- Outfall Extension - Arinagour Pier, Isle of Coll - Link here

26/03/2021 CCC response: Easing Covid-19 restrictions - Islands Consultation – March - Link here

25/03/2021 Scot. Government: CalMac Response - Link here

22/03/2021 SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT ISLANDS TEAM: Easing COVID-19 restrictions - Community Survey: -

Survey Closed

22/03/2021 SSE: Invitation Mull - Coll Online Consultation Event -


Good morning,

Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) Distribution is hosting an online consultation event on the planned replacement of the 11kV submarine electricity cable which runs between Mull and Coll.

As part of that development, the project team is looking to engage with local customers, communities and stakeholders to seek their views as they finalise the details and prepare the necessary applications process.

A representative from our RIIO-ED2 team will also be present to capture views on our 2023 to 2028 investment programme.

In order to gather opinions and answer any questions, the Submarine Cable team will be holding a series of four, 50-minute long, online engagement events. The sessions will be held between the following times:



Should you be interested in participating, then please register by emailing

05/03/2021 A & BC: Cliad Bridge Replacement - Community Update [OFFICIAL] -

Dear All,

The replacement of Cliad Bridge on the Isle of Coll has now been re-tendered. We have awarded the contract for site works to start on Monday 22 March 2021.

We expect the public road to remain fully open to vehicles, pedestrians and other road users at all times during the works. A temporary bridge will be installed to allow vehicles to continue along the B8071. Once a programme for the works has been accepted I shall forward it to this group in a suitable format.

The Principal Contractor, D MacDougall Contractors Ltd, will carry out the works.

The key dates we currently have for this retendered scheme are:

  • Site Start Date: 22/03/2021
  • Site Completion Date: 22/07/2021

However, these could change and we will update you if required.

There are specific engineering requirements around roads structures and the statement below provides background on how they are designed:

_The works are designed in accordance with Codes of Practice for vehicular loading; and must also comply with SEPA requirements. Extensive consultations have been undertaken to provide a Best Value engineering scheme. Best Value is achieved by considering a number of factors which include; nature of the ground, access to the island, catchment area, watercourse alignment, available materials, existing levels, temporary diversion for road users whilst complying with SEPA requirements, other stakeholder requirements, COVID legislation and current Codes of Practice._

If anyone wishes to be added to the distribution list for future Cliad Bridge updates, please let me know at

Kind Regards,
Graduate Engineer
Argyll and Bute Council
01546 604 429
07500 572 915

04/03/2021 CalMac: Summer 2021 Transition - Calmac Community Board

01/03/2021 CCC: CCC Response to A&BC Future of Cemeteries in Argyll and Bute - Link here

25/02/2021 CCC: CCC Submission to CalMac Community Board - Link here

15/02/2021 CCC: Response to LGBCS Consulation - Link here

14/02/2021 CCC: LGBCS Consultation: Survey methodology - Link here

05/02/2021 A & BC: Future of Cemeteries in Argyll and Bute - Consultations - Link here

Argyll and Bute Council is considering the best way to manage cemeteries in the coming years and would like to hear your views. We have identified various options and would like to find out what our communities think before developing plans for the longer term.
We would be grateful if you could give your thoughts through the consultation.

We would very much appreciate hearing from you by Friday 26 February 2021.
If you would like any further information, please contact  Hugh O’Neill at hugh.o’

16/01/2021 : email to Kevin.Stewart.msp@parliament.sco -

Scottish Government Short Term Lets Consultation September 2020.

Dear Mr Stewart,

Unlike the areas studied in the context of the 2019 consultation, Coll lies in a remote island location with a small population of about 170. The island has very little infrastructure, is predominantly rural and here is sparse economic activity with few job opportunities. The island is classified as a very remote rural location according to the Scottish Government eight-fold Urban Rural Classification.

In this context the purpose of The Islands (Scotland) Bill, as passed, is to ensure the impact of Scotland-wide policies and legislation is understood in relation to island communities. Coll Community Council would like to see specific evidence of this within the proposals resulting from the current consultation.

A more specific matter has been raised by our Development Trust, Development Coll, which operates a 5-star bunkhouse on the same site as the island's community hall. The question is whether or not bunkhouses and hostels should be added to the list of exclusions in the 2019 consultation paper and particularly those which feature in the Scottish Independent Hostels Guide.

It would have been better if Coll Community Council had been informed about the two consultations by the Scottish Government in a timeous fashion rather than by concerned parties as late as Thursday 8th October 2020, the deadline for the consultation being 16th October 2020. The most efficient way to communicate with us is through the Governance Office at Argyll and Bute Council.

Yours sincerely

Julian Senior
Hon Secretary
Coll Community Council

Reply: Reply from Mr Stewart

13/01/2021 Coll Medical Practice: COVID-19 on Coll - latest advice - Link here

18/12/2020 CCC: Update on Oban and the Isles Air Services - Link here

18/12/2020 CCC: Update on Oban and the Isles Air Services - Link here

18/12/2020 CCC: Update on Oban and the Isles Air Services - Update

12/12/2020 Argyll & Bute Council: The replacement of Cliad Bridge -

The replacement of Cliad Bridge on the Isle of Coll is programmed to start site works on Thursday 12th November 2020, with site works programmed to be completed by late December / early January. The public road is expected to be fully open to vehicles, pedestrians and other road users at all times during the works, with a temporary bridge being installed to allow vehicles to continue along the B8071. I attach the full Programme for the works; this, along with all dates are subject to change as the project progresses - I shall forward revised Programmes as the Contractor provides them. The Principal Contractor, Beaver Bridges, will carry out the majority of the works to replace the structure.

Scheldule of works

03/12/2020 Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland: 2019 Review of Electoral Arrangements: Argyll and Bute, High -

30/10/2020 ALLIANCE SCOTLAND: Health & social care -

20/10/2020 Scottish Gov: Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) - Link here

13/10/2020 Argyll & Bute Council: Budget challenge for 2021 - 2022 - Link here

22/09/2020 Argyll & Bute Council: General Maintenance Term Contracts – Tiree & Coll - Link here

15/09/2020 Argyll Live: Community Library Update - LineBooks, eAudiobooks & Borrowbox

13/09/2020 HM Fire Inspectorate: PROPOSED INSPECTION IN ARGYLL & BUTE - Link here

03/08/2020 Argyll & Bute Council: Cliad Bridge Closure - TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF TRAFFIC: ORDER 2020

03/07/2020 A & BC: Promoting the use of Face Masks - Promoting the use of Face Masks

25/06/2020 A & BC: Emotional Support - Caring for People Helpline now offers Emotional Suport

23/06/2020 Tiree Community Council: Letter to Michael Matheron MSP re. Ferries - Link here

23/06/2020 A & BC: Caring for people during the Covid-19 outbreak - Caring during Covid-19

22/06/2020 CCC: CalMac user Group Response - Response to CalMac June 20

21/06/2020 CCC: Covid-19 Island Resilience - Covid-19 - Island Resilience

03/03/2020 A & BC: Reference to Lockdown - Private Water Supplies

03/03/2020 Argyll & Bute Council: Private Water Supplies & water supplies on Coll - Link here

00/11/2019 Argyll & Bute Council: Introduction to Private Water Supplies - Link here