CCC Health & Wellbeing sub Transport sub
Next meeting => To Be Confirmed To Be Confirmed 4 Mar 2025, 19:00hrs.
Agenda => Awaiting Awaiting Agenda
Attend online => N/A N/A N/A

CCC meetings - Online via Microsoft Teams

You do NOT need a Microsoft account to join in a CCC 'Teams' meeting

You will need either:

The use of a microphone and speakers/headset is advisable as is good broadband.

How it works:

  1. The meeting is announced :
       on CCC website
       on the notice board outside the Post Office
       by email notification to those signed up - sign-up here for email notifications
  2. You enter your name & email address on a form on CCC's web site (Register here) to register your interest in participating via Teams. Registration/re-registration is required for each meeting. Registrations close at midday on the day of the meeting.
  3. Before the meeting you will be sent an email with a web link and info on how to join the meeting.
  4. At the time of the meeting you login using the link supplied.
  5. You enter your name and the administrator allows you to attend the virtual meeting.


  1. As with any Community Council meeting, only those on the electoral register are eligible to vote but others are welcome to attend and participate.
  2. Your name and email address will be held on a CCC database. This will be erased immediately after the meeting and will not be used for any purpose other than inviting you to the meeting and your authorisation on entering the meeting.
  3. Registration is required in order to ensure attendees are not impostors.

In the meeting:

  • Please keep your mic off until you are asked to make your contribution.
  • To make a contribution, flag up your intent by clicking on the 'Hands-up' icon. This will make the chair aware you wish to speak.
  • Do not speak over others but raise your hand (virtually) and wait your turn.